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  1. #21
    Join Date
    15th September 08
    The Highlands of Northern Utah
    1 Post(s)
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    A little different kind of Benz

    If you are going to wear the kilt You must be uninhibited. If you want to participate in the photo Challenge some times you have to think outside the box. Apparently no one who follows this particular thread drives a Mercedes Benz. So it is left up to someone like me to be creative and find a Mercedes Benz and have my picture taken in it. I passed this dealership yesterday but was in too big of a hurry to stop, so today with a little extra time to kill,I stopped in for a visit and a couple pics. This beauty is a 2015 and retails for around 100K. The kind salesman assured me I could finance it for up to 20 years. I can honestly say A Mercedes Benz car has never been on my wish list. This however I could see myself in. (If I could afford it). The kilt of course a USA casual in Stewart Black. Kinna matches my ride don't ya think.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20141027_134552 (Medium).jpg 
Views:	20 
Size:	101.0 KB 
ID:	22893Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20141027_134605 (Medium).jpg 
Views:	22 
Size:	123.3 KB 
ID:	22894
    Next Challenge Kilted in, on or next to a recreational Vehicle
    Last edited by Matty Ross; 27th October 14 at 09:52 PM.
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

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