Squat night = Best night of the week.
After last week's session of volume at 275, the aim was multiple set/rep work at 290. To do that I made some adjustments in the approach, dropping a couple of levels of weight on the ascent. Previously I would start with 135, jump to 185, then 225, 255, 275 and at that point I'd decide where to go from there. However, tonight I started with a set of 8 at 185, 2 sets of 5 at 245, 2 sets of 5 at 275, and then made the jump to 290. A set of 4, and 2 sets of 3 at 290.
Mission accomplished. I'm feeling it now, two hours after the session.
Time to go light and deload for several days.
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If you can't catch, don't throw[/FONT]