Yesterday afternoon my wife and I took a picnic lunch up on the Blue Ridge Parkway for an afternoon of relaxing and enjoying the fall foliage at the higher elevations. I was, of course, wearing a kilt in my wife's tartan (Marshall).

For those who are unfamiliar with the Parkway I should mention that it is a motorcycle mecca. Everything from little Honda's to full rigged Harley hogs cruise that road.

Our picnic spot was just off the road so we enjoyed both the view and the parade of bikes. I had brought my banjo along, and was picking and grinning for the passers by. Some of the toughest looking hombres you can imagine gave me the thumbs-up as they cruised by. Not a single soul indicated a problem with my attire. At other times park rangers have stopped to chat, especially when I am in one of my Utilikilts.

So, you timid ones, are you going to wish forever? Or are you going to step out in the real world?