Thanks for the replies, folks.
@denmcdough, you're right that kilts are rarely seen in Ireland. Nonetheless, many Irish pipers in Ireland still wear kilts, although I think that since Riverdance the kilt has fallen out of favour with dancers. We have a few Irish members on board here who wear the kilt in Ireland and there is a small Ireland-based Irish Kilt Society/Club. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the kilt is more popular in the North, which may have something to do with a stronger Scottish influence in that area i.e., Dal Riata, Galloglasses, Ulster Scots, etc. All in all, many more Irish abroad wear the kilt, but then again people have long been The Emerald Island's greatest export 
@macwilkin, I don't know too much else about Cormac O'Cadhlaigh, except that he was a professor, fluent Gaelic speaker, and a snappy dresser
My buddy has a typed manuscript of his great-grandfather's autobiography, which certainly contains much more information. Unfortunately, editing and publishing that is on the backburner for him.
Last edited by CMcG; 19th March 15 at 07:09 AM.
- Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
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