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  1. #11
    Join Date
    10th November 14
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    Jock, neloon,
    I get the lowlands area and cultural difference going back to Roman influence but am historically focused on the Border area so often just mention that.

    Well that's a fine kettle of fish! Now what do I do with all of this kit? The red Scott would make a nice picnic table cover and I could use the flashes to mark beer mugs so my drinking friends don't get there cups mixed up.....kidding.

    I understand both sides of this drama, and it is that, thanks to your insight and honesty. Sincerely.

    I want to explain, though, the kinship I feel for a place I know my ancestors came from as it is not maudlin.

    I would not be 'going home' as is often the tourist banner...home is where you are from physically.
    Home cannot be someplace you know second hand from reading. Simply put if you've never been there it ain't home.

    It is just a historical context for me. When I greet folks at whatever rare Scot get together we don't hug and call each other brother etc. just share a similar interest.

    I get a feeling tho from others here (people met and some of the tourists you've encountered) that they are more invested and have bought into the 'home' deal and fully expect to have that validated in some manner upon visiting....probably thru the wearing of Clan attire as a second unofficial passport. They mean no disrespect, actually the exact opposite.

    A little/lot less enthusiasm on our part and a lot less of selling the kinship/home/tourism idea would make for a happier medium and a better mix.
    I'm not sure your tourism industry or kit making neighbors would be on board with that....so how do you keep the drunk from singing if you continue selling him drink?

    I don't think those industries would benefit from honest advertising...'Buy it here but don't wear it here (unless you're a born Scot) wouldn't sell much yardage as it goes to the heart of the merchandizing kinship issue.

    I'll still visit as I've heard about great Scots hospitality and for my historical satisfaction.

    It does take a bit of wind out of my sails though as I wanted to believe in one while I suspected the other.

    p.s. Thinking about this today horseback, where I do my best thinking, and I think this exchange will actually make me more comfortable wearing a Kilt (properly done style and event wise) when I visit Scotland.
    It's not often you get straight talk from folks delivered with patience and style when the straight talk is possibly contentious.
    This we had and it has made me sharper in my approach to things Scot.
    I went the mental gamut of; just upset, digesting information because it was freely offered, and to a resolve.
    I will wear the title of 'tourist' in a quiet pride as a visitor reflecting on historical roots not as a 'Scot'. I'll, given the chance, explain to locals the why/wherefore of my Kilt and ask there opinion and advice letting them know I know I'm just a visitor borrowing their traditional dress....and will do so with humor and a grin.
    If that doesn't get me a free drink then I'll just start a fight.
    Last edited by Reiver; 3rd April 15 at 05:12 PM.
    De Oppresso Liber

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