June travels to Scotland
It seems it is becoming a reality, Jennifer and I are returning to Scotland. Our first trip was 3 years ago when we took a self guided tour of the Highlands. It was fantastic though a bit controlled because we had to go from town to town without any real time in each place. This year we decided to plan our own trip and rely on our ability to find fun things to do. We are both trail runners, hikers (hill walkers) and bikers. We also enjoy good food, a fine ale and a dram of whisky to top the evening off. With all that said we decided to pick two areas to base from and rely on the rails and busses to get us around. We are making use of Airbnb for places to stay and have found some very nice places we picked for certain reasons. Below is our plans as much as they are. We will have three weeks to travel and enjoy ourselves.
Land in Edinburg with perhaps a day for tourist stuff. Rails to Inverness then to our first bnb in Kyle of Lochalsh. We found a bnb owner who is a hiker and should be able to point us to some good hikes and bike rides. We picked this area because we want to explore the Ilse of Skye.We plan to be there about 6 days so there is room for hiking, pubs and castles. If the seas are calm I would love to go the the Hebrides, never can have too much tweed.
Week two takes us via rail back to Inverness. Of course Knockado Woolmill is a must along with anything else we can fit in. We found another bnb with an owner that seems quite nice. We will be here 5 days I think.
The last few days will be a train ride back to Stirling. We want to see more of the area and are withing a short rail ride to Edinburg if we want to visit more there. The bnb owners in Stirling caught my eye because they state they like beer. Sounds good to me. Sadly after 3 weeks we will have to return home.
Ok here is the reason Im writting this. I would like to pick the brains of Xmarkers living in Scotland or who have visited the areas we are planning to see. From museums to castles to pubs to Bens to walks we would like some input of the must see places. We can look on the net till buggeyed but a persons experience is worth more to me. What is worth seeing around the Isle of Skye and Inverness. What is your favorite castle we could visit. What museum do you like in the area. What are good pubs and places to eat. We would appreciate all input.
Last is the question many has asked. I wont mind bringing pants to wear and will be in biking shorts and such but.... Will it really be inappropriate to being and wear my kilts. I was thinking my BlackWatch and perhaps one other. Will I be the source of "damn tourists" or will it be ok. I love wearing my kilts and do so quite often where I live. This includes everything from pubs, movies, theatre, and even daily shopping.
In advance I appreciate any input here, we are really looking forward to our trip. It will be sort of by the seat of our pants but we do well that way, we are quite flexible in our enjoyment of a place and our time together. Many thanks to all who chime in here.
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."