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  1. #1
    Join Date
    26th November 14
    Greenwood, Nova Scotia, Canada
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    Maple Leaf Tartan Kilt Help!

    G'day all!

    I am currently in the market for a new kilt! Maple Leaf tartan to be exact!
    I know I can buy an "off the rack" kilt from Freedom Kilts in BC, or I can have one ordered from USA Kilts. But a sample thumbnail pictures of material is only so good.

    Does anybody have a maple leaf tartan kilt they bought from either location with a picture?
    I've seen this tartan go towards more orange or even more green to a really washed out red.
    It's hard to make up my mind as to where to order from unless I can see the kilt, ya know?

    Any help is muchly appreciated!

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