Went out to Shaffer Park to throw this afternoon but there was another event taking place so I ended up at the gym to lift instead. I have say it turned out for the best. Ever since I got up this morning I'd been feeling sluggish and without energy. I haven't had a good, solid lifting session in several weeks and as it turned out a lifting sesh was exactly what I needed.

It took me a half hour of warmup cardio to strike the energy chord - ten minutes each on bike, elliptical, more bike - but I finally got rolling.

Shoulder routine to start with the weights; moved to supersetting hammer curls and incline press with 35 and 40, a couple sets at each weight. Then went to flat bench for 5x5 with 135, with very brief rest ->min - in between sets. I haven't benched with any real weight for awhile so I wanted to use this as re-introduction to the bench.

Same with squatting - reentry session. After freak back spasms the last two times I've squatted, going back to before the Queen Mary in February, I approached the squat bar with extreme caution and respect. Three sets of ten with 135 - my warmup weight. All went well and it felt really good to squat again. Next time I'll move up in weight, carefully though.

Continued with bench row, pec deck chest and rear delts; then back for some more bike to finish off.

This was a solid full body session. Felt much better walking out of the gym than walking in the gym.

And that's what it's all about.

Which, if you think it through, means that good weight lifting sessions = the hokey pokey.