Quote Originally Posted by marypenny View Post
I sew. I get it. Let us see the finished ensemble, please!
MaryPenny, do you sew 18th century women's clothing? I'm way behind on this project and trying to catch up. Having a real heck of a time trying to figure out this shift pattern I found and am using (http://www.sharonburnston.com/shifts_construction.html). Not really any pictures or diagrams showing her process, and I'm spoiled by modern patterns that explain step-by-step with illustrations, I suppose. The only historical clothing I've done is 1860s, so this is way different.

I decided to do a practice one first, before cutting expensive linen. I'm using an old bedsheet. I'm glad too, because I've made a mess of it. I'm almost done and it will just have to do for this weekend, but if I could find a better pattern or just get help understanding this one, it would be great!