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  1. #11
    Join Date
    18th July 07
    North East Scotland
    1 Post(s)
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    Jock said
    "I have never been convinced that the kilt was ever worn generally for "dirty" work by Highlanders in times past. The occasional Factor, a few landowners did wear the kilt rather more often, but that was in smart form not for manual work."

    The following quotation from a Boston reporter's travel diary of the 1870s adds a little US flavour to that.
    "The Highland costume is common in Inverness ; but it is
    not a common garb to the people. It is worn mostly by the
    gentry in the hunting-season, and is a favorite garb with the
    Duke of Edinburgh when in the Highlands. The measure
    adopted after the rebellion of the clans in favor of Prince
    Charles Edward, prohibiting clan meetings and the clan
    dress, struck the death-blow to the most picturesque mascu-
    line costume ever in vogue, from Adam to Dr. Mary Walker.
    Quite frequently, however, I meet some farmer in the kilt
    and stockings ; and there are a few in the Highlands who
    wear them the year around. They are not a most comforta-
    ble dress in these breezy, wet autumn days ; and are much
    less so in the winter, when these hills and moors are covered
    with snow, and a keen frosty wind sweeps through the glens. "


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