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  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th August 13
    Vancouver, Washington
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    Grandchild #17 has arrived.

    After 40 hours of labor culminating in a c-section, my grandson finally got here!. 9 lbs 10 oz, 22.5 inches, and a full head of hair! This makes a total of 17 and, in total, represents a significant amount of our Christmas budget! . Parents have yet to agree on a name for him so I'm going to call him Nameless. The father is a veterinarian who had to amputate a leg from a cat and then adopted the cat and called him Legless so little Nameless will fit right into the family. Now I will try to get the picture to post. (Believe it or not I WAS trying to smile for the photo!! Hmm....
    Studies have shown that women who gain a few pounds live longer than men who mention it.

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Rick Y For This Useful Post:


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