After about an 8 year hiatus Highland Games are returning to Middle Tennessee. This is a grass roots effort by a number of clans and clan members, if your interested in helping we can use you.

The Games were at the Hermitage years and years ago and moved to Murfreesboro for a while. The Hermitage is excited about hosting again and has brought many of their resources to help us. is our web site, we also have a Facebook page so please go like that for us. We are looking for vendors, music artists, and folks to let their friends and clans know.

Also, we need sponsors to make this successful, please go to our web page, click on sponsor, print out sponsor forms and give them to as many folks as you can. We are having a volunteer meeting June 2nd, info on Facebook for that, please come if you can.

We will have amatuer games this year with sanctioned games in the future. It will be a one day game this year with full games next year. We have beer! One of our sponsors is Highland Brewries and they will host a beer tent at the games.

Looking forward to seeing you Sept 12 at the Middle Tennessee Highland Games.