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  1. #7
    Join Date
    16th April 10
    Southern California
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    Read the right way, there are some very useful descriptions given there. The tone is derogatory but what is often being described in fact is something in pristine condition without the unfortunate load of plastic "amenities" so many places have been defaced with. (And not just in Scotland, either.)

    But some other comments say more about the commenter's powers of comprehension than they do about the landmarks. They went to see standing stones, a ruin, a mountain, and a lake and they complain because when they got there it turned out to be standing stones, a ruin, a mountain, and a lake. And they were disappointed. Can't help wondering what they were expecting.

    "What were you expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sidney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeests sweeping majestically . . . . ?" -- Basil Fawlty https://youtu.be/tcliR8kAbzc


    Last edited by MacCathail; 9th June 15 at 11:02 AM.
    "I always strive, when I can, to spread sweetness and light.
    There have been several complaints about it."
    Service with a Smile, -- P.G. Wodehouse

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