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  1. #11
    Join Date
    18th September 12
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    Sunday afternoon at Shaffer Park: threw heavy hammer and light hammer until the handle broke on the light. Clearly a message from the universe that it was time to stop throwing.

    I think I'm going to revisit my lifting/throwing schedule after last week. The lifting has been going very well but it's taking more out of me than I'd expected. As a result, my throwing sessions have been limited to a certain extent by residual fatigue. It has occurred to me, though, that there is nothing sacred about a plan based on one week. I can simply change it to a ten day plan. Under this scenario I would do the major, more intense lifting on the 1st and the 6th day, with each lifting day followed by four non-lifting days which would be used for either recovery or throwing. Thus, the plan would roughly look like this: Squat/bench, recovery day, throwing, light day, throwing, pulls/overhead, recovery day, throwing, light day, throwing, and then start over. And the light day could be used for either gym work or drilling on the field.

    I've found that a lifting day after a throwing day is easier than the opposite order.

    The more I've considered this approach, the more appealing I find it to be.
    [FONT=comic sans ms]
    If you can't catch, don't throw[/FONT]

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Martin Roy For This Useful Post:


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