Hello Folks,
I have tried and tried to upload the pics to here but for some reason I can not.
The only way I can do it is to share this link.
The comment for each picture are as follows:
1. Opening the Quaich. Very exited and very impressed
2. The Quaich with my Lamont Modern Tartan, X Marks sgian dubh, Dandelion and X Marks book
3. My first dram.
4. At Manor Road Masonic Hall
5. With Bro. Derek Blackburn.
6. With W. Bro Dad
7. Dad hosting the Quaich at Clifton Road Masonic Hall with Bro. Blackburn and Pipe Major J. Kerr
8. Dad and Sister Elizabeth sharing the Quaich at their Ladies night
9. "The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Elizabeth at ladies night
10."The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Anne-Marie at ladies night
11."The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Sue at ladies night
12."The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Brian at ladies night
13. Kilted with my Mom at Ladies night
14 "The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Denise at ladies night
15 "The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Michael at ladies night
16 "The gang" sharing a dram with our friend Stephen at ladies night
17 On board The Mersey Ferry
18 On Board The Mersey Ferry enjoying the sea breeze!
19 Happy to be asked for a picture with some visiting Australian Ladies
20 With Mom and Daughter at Eleanor Rigbys Statue. Sculptured by Tommy Steele dedicated to All the Lonely People.
21 With The Fab Four
22 At the world famous Cavern Club Matthew Street "where it all began"
23. With The Clan Wallace Pipe Band Liverpool http://www.liverpoolclanwallacepipeband.org.uk/
24. With "the first Astronomer Royal" John Flamsteed" (or at least somebody that looks like he did!) at Greenwich
25.With my own Quaich and The X Marks Quaich at the "center of time" the Prime Meridian Line Longitude 0 degrees
26. The Quches sit each side of the Prime Meridian Line where the worlds GMT is measured
27. The Quest continues. At 2.35pm precisely I pour from the X Marks Quaich to my own. I intend to continue the legacy of the X Marks Quaich by taking mine to wonderful places to meet wonderful people and keep my own log. I would also like to suggest that 2.35 be the time at which Xmark rabblers stop and raise a toast to each other whenever kilted anywhere in the world? Hopefully this will catch on?
28. My Brother and Dad enjoying the sun and the Quaich...and its contents.
29. My Dad and friend Steve also enjoying a dram with some fine headgear to make up for the lack of kilts
I hope you found these interesting and I hope the Quaich is bringing joy and good cheer to all those it is yet to meet.