Originally Posted by
Roderick Powell
Please allow me to add my comments a little late. The Kilt looks well positioned to me . As I understand it the belt should
be at the natural waste with the waist band of the kilt perhaps 2 inches above the top of belt. Some say the waist band
be at sternum perhaps at the military kilt level. Perhaps someone could clarify this.
It makes sense that if one is going to wear a garment to protect the wearer and keep his Kidney area warm, then that is what
the garment should do.
As far as I am aware the hem of the Kilt should reach to the top of the knee cap to be correct for decency and protection of the wearer.
As far as I am aware the hem is worn this high to prevent the pleats rubbing on the calves of the leg at the back of the of the leg below the
Knee joint. This is a problem if the hem of the kilt becomes wet. The calves then become sore with the constant rubbing of the wet cloth.
Some photos show the wearers of the heavy weight kilt with the hem slipping at the back. This shows the Kilt is not being correctly worn and the wear has never been taught how to wear the Kilt correctly.
One should remember that the Kilt originated as part of the military uniform. The regulations were developed to ensure the kilt provided the
maximum protection for the wearer for active service use. The Sargent Major would ensure his troops were correctly dressed per the book.
If they were not correctly dressed his head would roll.
It has been suggested that Civvy wearers of the kilt should wear the Kilt as part of the Civvy Uniform. Woe betide the Civvy wearer who falls foul of the Imaginary Sargent Major.
I may be going a bit over the top, but I was born in The British Isles where the Military Kilt originated. I am not intending this to become political or become a racist debate. I am stating a historical fact.
As far as I am aware the Kilt is part of the National Dress of Scotland. Please can the true Scotsmen explain why they consider the Kilt should not be worn per the book.
I can see no logical reason for paying a small fortune for a Kilt which is not worn correctly in the British Isles. How admirers of the Kilt wear the Kilt outside the British Isles Is not my concern.
There were anomalities between the book concerning the practices of the various Highland Regiments. I have been lead to believe the many Highland Regiments In the British Army have now been disbanded and There is only one Royal Regiment of Scotland.
This may be irrelevant to the thread. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who considers my statement is Incorrect with regard to the
manner in which it has been written. ......................Roderick Powell.
Sir...with respect I would suggest that the wearing of the kilt predates it's use by the military.....
"Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
well, that comes from poor judgement."
A. A. Milne