
There are usually four things that will effect the amount of fabric needed for a kilt.

1) The hip circumference of the person you are making the kilt for.
2) The size of the Sett of the Tartan.
3) If the kilt is to be pleated to Sett or to Stripe.
And finally if you are making a traditional style kilt or a contemporary style kilt.

For a hip circumference under 45 inches 4 yards will usually do. For hip circumferences between 45" and 50" I would order 4.5 yards. For hip over 50" order 5 yards.

The average Sett size will usually be somewhere around 6.5 to 7.5 inches but it will depend on the Tartan and the weight of the fabric. The Sett size is usually large on the heavier fabrics.

About the Sett vs stripe thing - Yes there is a small difference. In general, pleating to Sett will usually require more fabric. About one extra Sett for every 6 or 8 pleats.