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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd August 15
    Colorado, USA
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    DIY Pouch Sporran

    I'm in the design phase of constructing a sporran based on the pattern given in So You're Going To Wear The Kilt - Appendix. I have dark brown leather, both soft & stiff, and a badger face mask. But being the engineer that I am, I started with a prototype in black denim. The denim is both a cheaper, more forgiving material, but should also function well as a utility sporran. Here are some photos of the prototype I finished yesterday.

    Front view: The button is decorative, but does provide additional weight to hold the flap down
    1-front_view (Medium).JPG

    Back view: Note the D-rings for hanging, but there is also a belt loop sufficient for a 3" belt
    2-back_view (Medium).JPG

    Closure is with a simple looped slip knot
    3-closure_knot (Medium).JPG

    Open view: This is much more capacious than my store bought sporrans
    4-wide_open (Medium).JPG

    As with most prototypes, this project illustrated several design flaws. I will need to obtain slightly larger grommets (1/4" instead of the 3/16" in use). I would like to have found grommets with larger shoulders for the fabric. Perhaps I should have added some washers to the mix.
    I also need to resize the front flap so that the badger face aligns properly with the top of the sporran.
    5-with_mask (Medium).JPG

    I'll post more when I complete the leather product.
    Last edited by SPS tools; 3rd February 16 at 01:03 PM.

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