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Thread: "Full Blooded"

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  1. #19
    Join Date
    25th October 15
    Bayfield, Colorado
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    What if I moved it to "Miscellaneous" where we talk about anything not kilt-related? Just let me know!

    Father Bill for the Forum Moderators.
    Well, while this thread has not directly discussed kilts, it has addressed several issues that have had no small amount of discussion on the forum in this and other more focused sections. For example, what entitles people to wear a given tartan, how to determine clan affiliation or membership, what degree of control as to the use of things generally regarded as Scottish do Scottish citizens retain and so forth. Degree of ethnicity is part and parcel of such considerations. These issues seem to me more related to kilts and things kilt-ish than they are miscellaneous. I wonder isn't there some middle ground, but it's your forum so I'll bide by your call.
    Slàinte mhath!

    Freep is not a slave to fashion.
    Aut pax, aut bellum.

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