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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd January 08
    Illinois, USA
    4 Post(s)
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    Finally getting to travel to Scotland!

    Well, it's finally official. Mrs. Standard and I along with another couple are finally going to get our holiday in Scotland to come to fruition. We've been talking about this trip for literally 6 or 7 years, and for various reasons haven't been able to do it yet. However, on Tuesday we sat down and got our airline tickets purchased.

    We're going to be in Scotland for almost two weeks. We'll start in Glasgow, head over to Islay, up to Fort William, Skye, Inverness, Edinburgh, and finish up at our friend's bed and breakfast in Denholm before flying back to the States. Needless to say we are very excited about our trip finally taking shape.

    If any of you have suggestions on sights to see in the areas we'll be please feel free to leave a comment and let me know.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
    Member Order of the Dandelion
    Per Electum - Non consanguinitam

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