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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th November 13
    San Antonio, TX
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    Best US Clan Society Ever!

    Fellow X-Markers,

    My clan society's president has had an untimely medical emergency, and I have consequently become my US clan society's interim president.

    We are a small society, but I think there's room for growth. Regardless of whether we stay small or grow, I would like to put a plan into place to make us a great society for those members of our extended family who wish to participate. But how?

    Many of you are members of established, active clan societies here in the US. I want to learn from you. Others are not members of any organized groups, but would be if the groups offered something worthwhile. I want to learn from you too!

    I'm US-based, and thus am especially interested in US input, but anybody who has a "best practice" or "good idea" to share will add to my knowledge. With that in mind, here's what I'd like your thoughts on:

    - What makes a good clan society? What do they do to make your dues worth paying? If you don't belong to a society, what would get you to join?

    - What would a really good clan website and Facebook page offer, both members and interested observers?

    - If you are a convener, how could a national clan society help your efforts?

    - What could a national clan society do to make you interested in becoming a convener?

    I'm interested in any thoughts you have to offer, whether or not they answer the prompts I've offered above.

    Help me to build a great national organization for the US members of my clan!

    Last edited by Cardinal; 10th April 16 at 07:41 AM.


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