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  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th August 14
    Oxford, Mississippi
    8 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)

    Out and About (A night at the Museum)

    The wife and I were at an exhibit at the Univ. of Mississippi (Mary Buie) Museum for a book signing (biography) by Bruce Levingston on the art work of Marie Hull. I am standing beside one of the paintings my wife donated to the museum by Marie Hull. Ms. Hull was a family friend and taught my wife's father, along with Eudora Welty, during the 1950's. It was good to see old friends (art that used to live on our living room wall) and meet new faces.

    Sticking to theme, I felt the placement of my tie tack (just above the vest, above the stripe of my tie but not too far into the solid red area) was the best point for the small adornment. Not showing are the beige hose, red flashes and brown Bass shoes included in my outfit. I'd heard the guest of honor was wearing a tux (he was) so I chose semi-formal to downplay my presence.

    Any day is a good day to be kilted. Feel free to post new moments of your own while kilted.


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