Scots Gaelic final "r"
I am wondering...I have no formal training in gaelic and have for several years been relying on this website ( for pronunciation and cadence, etc..
But I am confused about words ending in "r"...such as "fear" or "seanair"or "athair". The person doing the audio clips invariably pronounces the final "r" as a "d" or soft "t". So that "fear" as in "fear a bhata "becomes "fet". Athair becomes "ahed". Seanair becomes "she-ned".
Yet, I hear so many gaelic speakers (in songs mainly) pronounce the "r" as an "r." "Fear a vata", "ahair", etc..
Which is it? Which is proper, which is common?
Last edited by DWFII; 8th July 16 at 09:55 AM.
Reason: spelling and clarity
DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
In the Highlands of Central Oregon