hear! , hear! on the fan of polo shirts , just grabbed a few new for my upcoming AGM in Cali and new kilt hose should be here from House of Cheviot in the next day or two ... then I can redeem myself from my last pic post with my too dark of hose and that cream 'outlander' shirt with leather laces as one of our esteemed colleagues put it ... I'm so relieved I listened to all the sage advise before this very important event . Its gonna be great to meet the XMARKers out there in Pleasanton also .
Originally Posted by
Welcome from Illinois!
I'm a fan of solid color polo shirts and sweaters, a dress shirt and vest look smart just remember a vest with an adjusting strap on the back or sides is meant to be worn under a jacket and not on its own
Marc E Ferguson - IT Manager
Clan Fergusson Society of North America
Nosce te ipsum - Dulcius ex asperis - insert wittty tri-fecta latin-ism here