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  1. #1
    Join Date
    6th April 05
    Hollywood, Florida
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    Versatility of the Rob Roy style sporran

    So, I find myself building my kilt wardrobe back up from scratch, and the sporran seems to me to be important as its such a focal point of the outfit. I really like the Rob Roy style for day wear much like the ones from Freelander makes, which by the way, are they in business anymore? I couldn't find then anywhere. Anyway, these sporrans are custom made and cost a pretty penny, so before I take the plunge I wanted to gauge the level of versatility they give.

    In my mind, I see these used for day wear up until smart day wear with a tweed jacket and vest, but I wouldn't wear it to an evening out with my wife to the symphony or theater. Am I correct in my assessment? What say you rabble?!
    Last edited by Manu; 29th December 16 at 10:00 PM.


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