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  1. #1
    Join Date
    19th December 15
    Sacramento, CA
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    Got My Semi-Trad!

    My semi-traditional in Douglas Modern arrived at my home on 12/27, and I haven't had a chance to sit down to a computer to share my thoughts.

    In short, I love it! As a step up from my SportKilt, it's everything I could hope for and more. The fabric has a great weight and feel, and much better swish than the SK. It has much crisper pleats, and those pleats have held their shape much better than the SK despite two days of near-constant car trips and the rumpling that always seems to follow them.

    The buckles and belts are also of higher quality, and literally the jingle of the buckles was the first thing that struck me as I pulled the kilt out of the box. They pinged like bells, not even kidding. I was immediately impressed. A very significant upgrade, and very well constructed. The leather of the belts is heavier-duty and has a great finish.

    I was concerned what I would think of the pleating to the stripe rather than sett when I ordered, but on receiving it all my concerns were dispelled immediately. It's very sharp looking, precise and snazzy. When my "formal" kilt gets upgraded I'll have to really consider which way I'll want it pleated, because I like this look a very great deal.

    It wears wonderfully. As I mentioned earlier, it has wonderful swish to it, and it got compliments all around, even more than my SK. My only problem in wearing it the last few days is that while it's heavier than the SK, it's still lightweight enough that in the 40-degree weather we've had it's a bit chilly. By its very nature, though, that's not much of a criticism, since it's designed to be lighter and more breathable. Once the temperatures here in NorCal climb again into the 70s, I'll be wearing this every weekend.

    I'm unfortunately not sufficiently savvy with the board to post photos yet- I have them, and when I figure out posting here, I'll put them up.

    Overall, A+ product. I'll definitely go to USAKilts when I upgrade my formal kilt!

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