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  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th March 16
    Utah, USA
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    Best complementary hose colors for predominantly red & green kilts?

    I would love to hear some suggestions from the rabble for hose colors that would best complement predominantly red & green tartans in the modern palette. Both of my kilts (Mackintosh Clan Modern & Mackintosh Hunting Modern) are predominantly red & green. I'll upload images of the two tartans below. I would like to avoid white, cream, black, charcoal, modern red, or modern green hose. I think navy would be a good color but what are some other colors that would work?
    Last edited by Willie T; 28th April 17 at 07:14 PM.
    "Twelve Highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion" - Scottish Proverb


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