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  1. #10
    Join Date
    3rd January 11
    Southern Oregon
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    Seeing as one of my tartans (the MacQueen) is mostly red, and another (MacKenzie Modern) is heavy on the green perhaps I can weigh in on this topic. Properly selected, reds and greens can compliment each other.

    Likewise, you can use variants of the lesser colors of a tartan with it. For example, yesterday I attended the Elk Mountain Highland Games and May Day Festival. I wore my MacKenzie Modern kilt, pairing it with a slate blue shirt under a navy blue pullover crew neck sweater (jumper). I selected a pair of wine colored hose and black, closed toe hiking sandals (which had some red highlights). The look worked when taken as a whole. As an alternative based on the same tartan, I could have worn a tan shirt, a green jumper and bison or mustard hose with tan sandals.
    One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.

    Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Really a McQueen For This Useful Post:


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