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  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th October 09
    Olde New England
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    I would agree - And the Balmoral in question - while dark green and called "special forces green" looks nothing in appearance like the actual beret worn by the them. Also the famous Green Beret always has a unit badge on it which this one does not and does not have the satin rosette. And I never wear any military badges or patches save that of my grandfather's unit in WWI on occasion, but not this one (although his regiment was absorbed by another after being decimated at the battle of Ypres). Those who know U.S. military attire would never confuse this Balmoral with the true Special Forces Beret. Perhaps a poor choice in the description by the seller - who would be better served renaming it something like forest green. The regular U.S. Army beret is black and the Ranger beret is tan - so you can see we would quickly run out of colors if we avoided them all.
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

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