This morning Kampers are cowering under my lash.
They were allowed to leave a full 2 min. early to attend last nights Kamp Barbeque.
Today the slaves (oops, sorry, The Students) are all dutifully back at work.
One of the differences in a Traditional and a Contemporary style kilt is that the Contemporary may be made to fit lower than the full rise of aTraditional. This means that we sometime must angle the waistband of the kilt to fit the shape of the human body.
But sometimes even my instructions cannot prevent a student from messing everything totally up.
Mike is determined to meet the class standard. He repeatedly rechecks his stitch length. Not too happy with one stitch 1.044 mm long and the next stitch 1.034 mm long he is at the "muttering to himself stage" as I planned all along.
(Insert evil, Snidly Whiplass laugh here)