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  1. #11
    Join Date
    8th October 12
    Cornwall, Ontario
    1 Post(s)
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    My advice would be to begin building an outfit that you will wear all the time. That means kilt, tweed jacket with stag buttons, and a leather sporran. My first sporran - and still my go-to - is a fairly plain, three-tassel, black leather sporran. The hunting sporrans above are also an option, I prefer the more classic one worn by Terry in the photos to the funky L&M products, but that is your call. The silver cantled fur variety are a more formal variant, equivalent to a tuxedo in saxon wear. Some day, you may want to go there, but for your first purchases, but something that you can wear with a tweed jacket, or just a shirt and tie, or even a golf shirt...and that would be the leather sporran. Good luck.

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