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  1. #11
    Join Date
    17th June 15
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    I suppose it depends on what you mean by "Rob Roy" style, and where you plan to wear it. I have a rather roomy, loose, soft leather sporran that I think is Rob Roy style, but I only wear it to Renaissance Festivals. If I have to put my keys in my daywear or formal sporran, I pare down to the absolute minimum (i.e. key fob or master key for the car, all else stays in the car) or my wife carries the keys in her much roomier bag.

    ETA: The sporran worn by @Fedgunner is far nicer than the Rob Roy I own and am thinking of. In fact, I'd wear that for any casual to smart event with pride.
    Last edited by Wareyin; 2nd March 18 at 08:45 PM.

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