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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th September 10
    Sacramento, CA
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    Lightbulb Your Opinions on a Formal Shoe Idea

    My thought was to make a formal "slipper" that would look good and, more importantly, be very comfortable for formal attire. I have read of slippers (I think in an older sense than how we use that term today) being worn for formal wear. My thought was the possibility of taking the black suede shoe you see below, removing the baubles, and replacing them with a faux buckle like on the brogues in the second photo. What do you think?

    Black Slipper.jpg

    Black Slipper Buckles.jpg

    One problem is that it may seem more historical than traditional, as defined elsewhere in the forum. What are your thoughts?

    Also, does anyone know where buckles like this can be purchased? I've looked everywhere on line and can't find them, which in itself could kill the idea.

    Thank you for your input!
    Last edited by KiltedSergeant; 8th March 18 at 02:42 PM.


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