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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th February 18
    Alberta Canada
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    Determining vintage of kilt hose

    Hello and hope this is the best forum for my question.

    I recently acquired the red/green diced kilt hose pictured below, as I am interested in Cameron Highlanders kit. The hose came from a dealer also selling several Great War-vintage Cameron items, including an O/R sporran to the 79th Cameron Highlanders of Canada (which I also acquired).

    In looking at these hose, and I hope the (admittedly not stellar) photo can perhaps illustrate what I'm saying, the wool material between the red and green diamonds seems a bit darker (fewer red threads cutting through) than current production examples. I've not seen any current production diced hose in person, however, so can only compare to photos online.

    Does anything in the colour, or construction, provide a clue as to the vintage of these hose? Or have these remained pretty much standard across the years. Just curious. Thanks.

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