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  1. #1
    Join Date
    26th January 18
    East TN, USA
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    First outing in a kilt

    So this past Saturday (31 March 2018), my wife and I went to a local Irish themed tavern to celebrate me reaching 20 years in the Army (it was a surprise and many family showed up for it!) and she recommended that I wear my kilt.... alrighty then! We went shopping Friday night for casual items (shoes, socks, hat) and I think we did quite well.

    While the socks are...well...socks and not hose, these compliment the outfit quite well in my opinion and the length is pretty good. The shoes, while not traditional, also compliment the entire get up, and the flat-cap is new as well. I received many compliments on the kilt as well as questions about the tartan itself, but my daughter was the biggest fan. Here are a few pictures of the adventure:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Inside Clancy's.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	81.3 KB 
ID:	33622Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Casual Kilt at Clancy's Tavern.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	128.6 KB 
ID:	33623Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Kiddo and me.jpg 
Views:	38 
Size:	81.5 KB 
ID:	33624

    We also decided to try to find a shirt to go along with the cream hose I got (I am still new and did not know how hard it is to match cream ones...) so that I could wear the kilt to church on Easter Sunday. My wife found a shirt that matched perfectly, I already had a tie that matches the kilt beautifully, and I even found a new flat-cap to finish up the ensemble. I know... a casual kilt/sporran/belt to wear at church... but I received so many compliments from many different folks (to include the pastor), just wait until I get my 5 yard traditional and dress it up for church! Here I am after church:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Easter Sunday 2018.jpg 
Views:	43 
Size:	237.0 KB 
ID:	33625

    Overall, I think that my first outing was a success and cannot believe how comfortable kilts are. Why on earth didn't I start doing this sooner?!? Not only that, but it was so much fun and quite the conversation starter. I feel confident in saying this: while I was slightly apprehensive at first, this weekend has made me fall in love with wearing a kilt and I look forward to doing it again soon, as well as buy more kilts!
    Never run or do jumping jacks while wearing a heavy sporran
    "500 years before Christ was born, a highlander stepped on the bloated carcass of a sheep and the bagpipes were born"
    Stabo (I shall stand)


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