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  1. #15
    Join Date
    16th September 10
    47 Post(s)
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    Ya done good! Congratulations, thanks for all that time in, and good fortune on permission to wear to work. After my first venture, I
    told myself I would never need another pair of pants as long as I live. Turns out they're still useful here and there, just as little as possible.

    Looks like you'll be needing more accessories. Take a deep breath and put all the stuff you were taught about how to match clothes
    in the pocket of a pair of your pants. You'll not only not need it for kilting, it will inhibit your enjoyment of same. Takes more getting
    used to than actually wearing the kilt, I think. Shirt and hose can tone together without matching, and the kilt offers a variety of minor
    colors to complement or emphasize, as well. Throw garter ties into the mix and you have a very wide palette to work (play?) with.
    I tend to choose based on the shirt I've decided to wear and go from there.

    From the expression on your fan club, it looks like you're gonna have fun and a lot of support.

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to tripleblessed For This Useful Post:


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