the end of the Gordon Highlanders
I was looking for something else, actually, on YouTube when I came upon this wonderful video documenting the final days of the Gordon Highlanders. Compounding the event was that they were stationed in Berlin at the time.
What shone through to me was the tremendous pride: The pride the men take in their service in the Gordons, the pride they take in the history of the regiment, the pride they take in their uniform (getting every last detail perfect for parade), the pride they take in their marching, the pride they take in their band, the pride the officers take in the qualities of their men.
There was great sadness yet also a determination to face the future bravely, to get on with the job at hand.
And the music was superb! What amazing blending of the pipes with the military band! I could feel the emotion.
And now this story has been repeated several times over in the Scottish regiments, with the creation of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte