I am window shopping for a size 34- 36" waist kilt that will fit in with my current wardrobe. I believe I actually wear a 21-22" length drop, but my current kilt is a 23". I just pull it higher up to my ribcage and get on with the show. I have several standard suits and trousers, but until now have only worn a utility style kilt at home and work. I'm looking to step into a wool tartan, but would also consider a synthetic option as well as I am a school teacher with an employer who compensates me well below what is deserved. I would like to wear my kilt to work when possible.

I am also shopping for a size 40R waistcoat and Wallace style jacket. I like wool and tweed quite a bit.

I have found a few items that are of interest on the Internet and on ebay, but I thought I would ask here first just to keep things in the family.

O.K., Rabble. Does anyone have anything that is appropriately sized that they would like to send to a new home?