Hi everyone,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dana Braun and I'm from St. Louis, MO. I have been lurking here for a while now and
decided to "show my face".
I've been interested in kilts for quite some time now. I work at a university and one day I had a quick look at a student wearing a kilt. As I remember it, it was typical casual wear, a sweatshirt, kilt, Birkenstocks. He was a rather short but stocky guy. I never thought "wow, a guy wearing a sk**t", it was more like, " how cool is that, a guy with a kilt". It was definately a masculine look.
So that peaked my interest initially, and then even though I'm aware of it's historical inaccuracies, Brave Heart just fueled the interest.

Obviously with a name like Braun I'm not aware of any Scottish blood in my family. But I don't think this should stop me from wanting to wear a kilt. Who knows, maybe somewhere back in history there is some Scot blood in my family lines.

I have a military background, serving 4 years in the US Marines, and another 5 years with the local Air National Guard unit.So the history of the Scottish military and kilts interests me very much. That's how I cam up with my username. I hope this is appropriate.

Unfortunately, my wife doesn't share my intrest in kilts. As a matter of fact, she's very against me wearing one. I guess she thinks they're sk***s. So I guess I'll have to work on her and try to change her mind.

I don't have a lot of disposable money for a kilt purchase, so I was trying to figure out a way to own one for the least ammount of money. Due to the generousity of one of your members, I now own a Sport Kilt. I know these are not the favored kilts at this board, but it was what I could afford and hopefully it will get me started with the kilted lifestyle.

I look forward to some great discussions and advice form this board. Thanks
