Originally Posted by
In the U.S. many of these civilian uniforms...took many dress cues from the more flamboyant British, French and Prussian Regimental dress uniforms...
Most pertinent to XMarks of course are the uniforms of the 79th New York State Militia
Their 1858-1861 dress uniform is fascinating, in that not a single part of it exactly corresponds with what was worn by the Highland regiments of Scotland at that time (or at any time).
Rather than doublets they wore jackets of a unique and complex cut. Their Glengarries had two-row dicing. Their sporrans had an interesting five-lobe cantle only seen in the USA.
Some of the things like the red & white diced hose with marl turnover cuffs, and 18th century style buckled shoes, can be seen in the contemporaneous The Highlanders Of Scotland.
Last edited by OC Richard; 2nd October 19 at 06:52 PM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte