Flights are booked for Scotland in May 2020!
Lovely Wife and I are excited to continue planning our first-ever trip to Scotland.
Using my Delta miles earned by incessant business travel, we have booked our flights to and from Heathrow May 2-14, and we plan to take the train back and forth from there.
Now to fill in the days in the middle!
I have two main "bookends" in mind: A day or two in Inverness and the Black Isle, especially Avoch, for one and a trip across to the Isle of Mull for another. Those are the family connections of the Patiences and the McColls.
But in between we are open to most anything, and I would welcome advice for a first-timer. We're more the history/museum/shopping than the hiking/camping types. I no longer drink, so we'll limit the distillery tours to one (probably Tobermory while we're on Mull).
And though I'm a clergyman, I'm on warning that we're not churchcrawling. 
We're mindful that we will not be able to "see everything" in one trip, and we have no intention to try. But if you have suggestions, we'd love to hear them.
Descended from Patiences of Avoch | McColls of Glasgow
Member, Clan Mackenzie Society of the Americas | Clan Donald USA
"We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul." (Heb. 6:19)