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  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th June 11
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    How Should a Braemar Jacket Fit?

    I was pretty lucky (I think) to acquire a vintage (well, the seller called it vintage - I think it may be fairly recent, but lightly used) Charcoal Tweed Braemar from a Scottish Etsy store this past week.

    I'll betray my age a bit here, but I've never owned a sport coat, suit, or dress jacket - I rented a tux once when I was a child, and never again. I'm 6'2, and my chest measures 44, so I went with a 46 to give some room. L of course, as I'm about 6'2". The vest fits perfectly, the jacket feels just about right, but is a bit tight in the shoulders - specifically, the front of the shoulder, and specifically when I try to raise my arms. It fits great in every other way.

    I'm used to active jackets (sweatshirts, puffy jackets) that are made to move with you, and I realize you're not supposed to be able to throw a football comfortably in a dress jacket, but I'm wondering if this is normal.

    Edit: I've uploaded a few images of the fit here, trying to demonstrate the fit issue around the shoulders. Please don't mind the t-shirt!

    Here's the jacket paired with my 15-year-old Celtic Craft Centre Kilt in Fraser Gathering Hunting and a USA Kilts Casual I just got in the Celtic Nations Tartan, along with a Vintage Sporran from eBay courtesy Richard's "Quality Sporrans for Less Money" thread.

    Last edited by KennethSime; 16th October 20 at 01:17 PM.

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