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Thread: Trying Times.

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    1st February 15
    Wetlands of Norfolk UK
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    I'm still around and pop in most days, but when I'm at work it's set not to automatically log in, so you wouldn't know I was here..

    As for Covid, Most of my life has had no change, go to work come home and repeat 5 days a week, I work on my own in a temperature controlled airconditioned lab, so nothing outside makes a difference..

    What I've Missed is,
    Going to Scotland to visit my parents and sisters,
    Sailing / racing has been cancelled most of the time, including regatta week.
    The Model railway club has been closed most of the time so my weekly visit has not been happening, same for SWMBOs art and weaving groups..

    Also our model railway club exhibition and every other clubs shows have been banned..
    However we are booked for next years show at the Jubilee Centre Aylsham Norfolk, 5/6 Oct 2021 10:00 till 16:00..

    Kilt wearing, no opportunity to do so, as when I'm at home it's definitely overalls time to work on house garden workshop, boat..

    Other social media sites,
    Sailing, quiet, except for politics,
    Model Railways, very busy, as many are locked in at home working on their layouts.
    Norfolk Broads, quiet, as much of the time use of the broads has been banned, except for the pages of why should it be banned!!
    Last edited by The Q; 24th November 20 at 02:28 AM.
    "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
    Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill

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