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  1. #1
    Join Date
    31st August 19
    Knoxville, TN
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    Wedding Recommendation

    Hi all. This post isn't about my wedding as that happened many years ago, but my best friend's, for whom I'll be the best man. He's planning a fall wedding with Highland dress and we're working together to make some decisions about what to do in terms of details for the ceremony. He is planning to include a fly plaid, which seems to be a sensitive topic here, but it also seems that a wedding is one of the few places where that particular accessory is appropriate.

    Based on my reading my question is what outfit would be most appropriate. While people wear a fly plaid with Prince Charlie I gather it isn't really traditional to do so, with the fly plaid being more suited to a Montrose Doublet or a Sherriffmuir. We're both buying new garb for the event so we can really go whichever way we want. If it's Doublet or Sherriffmuir do either or both of those work as black tie versus white tie (bow tie rather than lace jabot)? There's so much information out there it's a bit hard to keep up.

    On a related note, with an outdoor fall wedding in Tennessee the temperatures for the event may be 40 degrees F or 80 or anywhere in between. What are the options for a warm outer layer with formal Highland dress? It obviously wouldn't be worn during the ceremony, but if we end up in a cold spell I'd rather not freeze all day before and after. Good Inverness capes are incredibly expensive; would a traditionally styled cloak be appropriate?

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