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  1. #1
    Join Date
    16th March 06
    Berkshire, UK
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    Controversal musing on sporrans- and looking for advice.

    So here's the thing. I don't really like sporrans. Kind of in the same way I don't really like cufflinks, but I will wear them in the proper context. However, like cufflinks, in everyday life, we have better solutions to the problem they are solving.

    If I am wearing a kilt formally, or I'm going for a casual but traditional look, I will happily put one on, but if I'm simply replacing trousers for a kilt in my daily life, I'd prefer not to have one.

    So, you maybe thinking utiliikt style cargo pockets are the answer, but I don't really like those either. Not a fan of cargo pockets on my trousers, much less on a kilt.

    BUT... I do need to carry my wallet, phone and keys, and now that summer is here, I will not have a jacket with pockets to use. So I need something, and what I think I need is the right kind of sporran.

    Why don't I like sporrans? Atheistically, and without question this is just how I feel about things for me, and am in no way questions any one else's sartorial choices, I feel that most of them are too close to looking like a costume rather than a solution to a problem. Functionally, I don't like that they are stiff, difficult to get in and out of quickly, and don't expand sufficiently to larger or oddly shaped items.

    There are obvious solutions to some of my concerns. Sporrans that are basically soft leather pouches are readily available, however they look awfully ren-fair to me.

    So what I'm looking for is a leather pouch, roughly sporran shaped, that is stiff in the back so it keeps it shape, but soft leather on the sides and front, with side 'bellows' to expand to accommodate awkwardly shaped items. In my dream world, those bellows would stay close via magnets or elastic when empty to keep the shape attractive. Also, I would love for the closure on top to use strong magnets to make it easy to access while remaining secure.


    Anyone ever seen anything like this? Or know of sporran maker who would work with me without requiring a second mortgage to pay for it?

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