For the sake of an update here the wedding has shifted to the spring rather than the fall. Nothing nefarious in that, it's simply working better for the couple to have more time to put together all the details as they're hosting the ceremony at their home. That's giving me the bonus of getting to have some legitimate fun with my chainsaw and truck over there this summer and fall.

I (more accurately my friend the groom) have received what should be the final marching orders for the ceremony. It will be PC with fly plaid, but out of the bride's interest for people to look more uniform the groom will be in his Henderson tartan and those of us in the groom's party will all be in Black watch. I'm somewhat disappointed to not be in my own Campbell of Cawdor, but as Black watch is essentially the Campbell tartan I won't be too far out of place in it even as a universal tartan.

We'll be making a road trip to Atlanta Kilts in the near future as that's the closest place to get on-site measurements for custom Highland wear (the production is all done in Scotland). I'm not investing in a particularly expensive Black Watch kilt, but am going to get a high quality PC jacket and waistcoat. Granted they won't get a great deal of wear, but there's a tradition where we attend Christmas Eve services (outside of pandemics) of PCs for those of Scottish descent so I'll get to break it out for Christmas every year.