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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st October 21
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    Looking for the best casual kilt

    I’m looking for my first casual kilt, and I would like your opinions on the three I am considering. I bought my first kilt, an 8 yard wool traditional model, in 2000 so I’m not completely new to this. The three I’m considering are:

    USA Kilts casual kilt
    Pros: seems to be considered the overall best option for a kilt of a man made material.
    Cheapest price
    Cons: uses Velcro instead of leather straps

    ScotWeb Essential casual kilt
    Pros: leather straps not Velcro
    Cons: more expensive than USA kilt

    The Celtic Croft Quality Wool Blend kilt
    Pros: it’s wool blend so it at least isn’t entirely man made.
    Leather straps not Velcro.
    Fully lined.
    Cons: more expensive than USA Kilts but similar price to ScotWeb.

    I’m looking for something I can wear casually, but it wouldn’t hurt if I could also get away with something slightly more formal in situations where there isn’t a lot of kilt expertise around. I’m open to any and all thoughts and suggestions you wise folk have to offer. If you have other kiltmakers to suggest, I’m all ears.

    The links to the kilts for reference




    There is also this kilt. It claims to be 100% wool, 7-8 yards, fully lined but the price seems a little too cheap for what you are getting. It’s not made to measure, and the tartan selection is limited, but I wonder if it might be worth it.
    Last edited by kilted2000; 27th October 21 at 08:48 PM.


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