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  1. #6
    Join Date
    23rd November 05
    Easton , PA
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    Doesn't always matter

    Quote Originally Posted by kilted2000 View Post
    It has been pointed out by someone that it might not be a good idea to wear a kilt in a situation where it would make you the center of attention such as a small concert in a church. Thoughts of the Rabble?
    I have been the only person in my congregation that wears a kilt for years.
    I have worn it to Weddings, Memorial services, Christmas, Easter, etc. For Weddings, I always ask the bride, it is her day.
    Most other times I am almost assured to be the best dressed, or one of the best dressed there.
    I was asked to sing with a group of other men, and was asked to NOT wear the kilt, and I was asked by a number of people why I didn't wear it.

    I think it is a matter of what is or becomes common. People adapt and understand after a while that it no longer becomes costume, but clothing.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

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