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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th August 07
    Salt Lake City, Utah
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    For sale, a McTavish heavy wool kilt. PLEAT TO STRIPE.

    Fabric weight is approx 14-16oz (I forget which, but it seems closer to 16oz than 14oz). Made by J. Higgins. It's a striking kilt, and very pretty. I'll include a tartan tie that is a very close match.

    Size is approx 29" waist, 39" hip, 22" length; she's 5'5" tall.

    This was my wife's pipe band kilt, and we've since left the band and are moving out-of-state. We purchased this kilt when we joined the band, and the band has never had ownership of the kilt. It's a beautiful kilt, and is in quite good shape for all it's been through. No holes or tears, straps are in good shape.

    Here's a link showing the McTavish tartan: https://www.mccalls.co.uk/media/tart...ancient-hw.jpg

    To make an offer or for pics, email me at scotfiddler at gmail dots com, please. Asking $150, and you pay the shipping.
    Last edited by BozemanboB; 13th January 23 at 08:34 AM. Reason: bit about ownership


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