A rose by any other name...

As Tobus says, were a company produces a number of products in different shades of the same general colour it can help to differentiate between them - all of the following might be described as brown or beige (which after all is nothing more than a light brown - or is it tan, khaki, taupe or stone...) but they are all differnt colours - anyway the first pair Lochcarron calls Oatmeal, the second is Camel and Paprika and the last Cinnamon and Duck Egg - looks like foodstuff and edibles are prevalent (in fact I had the two pairs with diced cuffs made from wool out of Rowan's Felted Tweed range - they have at leat another four shades of brown, which include treacle and french mustard!!) - but yeah, whilst hex codes, RBG or Pantone Nos all work (and are more precise) the more fanciful name are perhaps easier to remember -

Although the last mole I caught was clearly black, not taupe.